Give your teams the support they need.

Genius Loci refines the wellness experience by offering distinct services that embody your company’s ethos with tasteful and impactful curation. Your employees deserve support and Genius Loci offers classes, workshops and retreats to support your team’s mental and emotional well-being with holistic practices.We deliver considerate attention based on the specific challenges and goals of our clients and their teams.


How stress affects the health of your team.

▶ Statistically, most people in your company have stress that impacts their overall health and happiness. Left unaddressed, stress and anxiety leads to burnout, retention issues, absenteeism and performance problems.

  • 83% of US workers suffer from work-related stress, with 25% saying their job is the number one stressor in their lives.

  • About one million Americans miss work each day because of stress.

  • 76% of US workers report that workplace stress affects their personal relationships.

  • Depression-induced absenteeism costs US businesses $51 billion a year, as well as an additional $26 billion in treatment costs.

  • More than 50% of workers are not engaged at work as a result of stress, leading to a loss of productivity. Companies spend around 75% of a worker’s annual salary to cover lost productivity or to replace workers.

Source: 40+ Worrisome Workplace Stress Statistics [2022]: Facts, Causes and Trends, American Institute of Stress.


85% of people have experienced extended periods of stress, anxiety, and fear that has produced trauma like responses.

This impact may continue to be felt in a wide range of diverse groups: from leaders trying to maintain morale and productivity in geographically disparate teams to the workers struggling to adapt to the new realities of a different work environment. While some people will be relieved and excited to be back, others may feel uncertain and anxious, and we provide proactive and solution based services for the prospective difficulties your industry may face.


Why your company should do this.

Emotional intelligence is widely recognized as a valuable skill, and it is also one that researchers believe can be improved with training and practice. While emotional skills may come naturally to some people, there are things that anyone can do to help improve their ability to understand and reason with emotions. This can be particularly helpful in the workplace, where relationships and business decisions often rely on interpersonal understanding, teamwork, and communication.

When paired with a combination of other stress reducing and mindful practices the benefits are exponential in creating a resilient individual. As these skills and practices are mastered; productivity, initiative, and decisive action all increase due to clear communication practices and the ability to observe from a neutral mind.

Our programs.

Our programming and workshops are customized to encourage and support the work-life experience. It’s our job to know the best in practice techniques and exercises that will integrate seamlessly into your company’s culture in order to produce the best results. For companies looking to add a fresh perspective to their existing programs, our expert advisory offers considerate consultation in operations, wellness investments and team development. We will review existing departments and aid in the development and training of new solution focused practices.